
发布日期:2016-04-11 15:52访问次数: 信息来源:威海市人大字号:[ ]











目   录


第一章  总    则

第二章  地方性法规项目库选项、年度制定计划的编制

第三章  市人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定地方性法规程序

第一节  市人民代表大会制定地方性法规程序

第二节  市人民代表大会常务委员会制定地方性法规程序

第三节  其他规定

第四章  地方性法规的报批和公布

第五章  地方性法规解释

第六章  规章的备案审查

第七章  附    则


第一章  总   则


第一条  为了规范地方性法规的制定,提高地方性法规立法质量,根据《中华人民共和国地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法》、《中华人民共和国立法法》的有关规定,结合本市实际,制定本条例。

第二条  市人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定、修改、废止、解释地方性法规和审查市人民政府报请备案的规章,适用本条例。

第三条  市人民代表大会及其常务委员会应当加强对制定地方性法规工作的组织协调,发挥在制定地方性法规工作中的主导作用。

第四条 市人民代表大会及其常务委员会依照法律规定的权限制定地方性法规。

第五条  规定本市行政区域特别重大事项的地方性法规,应当由市人民代表大会制定通过。


第六条  制定地方性法规应当依照法定的程序,从国家整体利益出发,维护社会主义法制的统一和尊严,不得同宪法、法律、行政法规和本省地方性法规相抵触,符合本市的具体情况和实际需要。

第七条  制定地方性法规应当避免重复上位法已有的规定。

第八条  制定地方性法规应当发扬社会主义民主,坚持公开立法,保障人民通过多种途径参与。

第九条  制定地方性法规应当从实际出发,适应经济社会发展和全面深化改革的要求,科学合理地规定公民、法人和其他组织的权利与义务、地方国家机关的权力与责任。


第二章  地方性法规项目库选项、年度制定计划的编制

第十条  市人民代表大会常务委员会通过建立地方性法规项目库、编制年度地方性法规制定计划等形式,加强对地方性法规制定工作的统筹安排。建立地方性法规项目库和编制年度地方性法规制定计划,应当认真研究代表议案和建议,广泛征集意见,科学论证评估,根据经济社会发展和民主法治建设的需要,确定地方性法规制定项目,提高制定地方性法规的及时性、针对性和系统性。地方性法规项目库入库项目和年度地方性法规制定计划由主任会议通过,年度地方性法规制定计划按程序向社会公布。

第十一条  市人民代表大会常务委员会法制工作委员会负责地方性法规项目库选项和拟订年度地方性法规制定计划,并按照市人民代表大会常务委员会的要求,督促地方性法规制定计划的落实。

第十二条  本市各级国家机关、社会团体、企业事业组织以及公民,可以提出地方性法规制定计划项目建议。


第十三条  市人民政府法制工作机构应当对市人民政府有关部门提出的地方性法规制定计划项目建议进行研究,形成市人民政府下一年度地方性法规制定计划项目建议,报市人民代表大会常务委员会。

第十四条  年度地方性法规制定计划项目分为完成项目和调研项目。


第十五条  对没有列入年度制定计划的地方性法规项目建议,急需当年审议制定且条件成熟的,由市人民代表大会常务委员会主任会议决定补充列入年度地方性法规制定计划。


第三章  市人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定地方性法规程序

第一节  市人民代表大会制定地方性法规程序


第十六条  市人民代表大会主席团可以向市人民代表大会提出地方性法规案,由市人民代表大会会议审议。


第十七条 十名以上的代表联名,可以向市人民代表大会提出地方性法规案,由主席团决定是否列入会议议程,或者先交有关的专门委员会审议、提出是否列入会议议程的意见,再决定是否列入会议议程。


第十八条 向市人民代表大会提出的地方性法规案,在市人民代表大会闭会期间,可以先向常务委员会提出,经常务委员会会议依照本条例第三章第二节规定的有关程序审议后,决定提请市人民代表大会审议,由常务委员会向大会全体会议作说明,或者由提案人向大会全体会议作说明。


第十九条 常务委员会决定提请市人民代表大会会议审议的地方性法规案,应当在会议举行的一个月前将地方性法规草案发给代表。

第二十条 列入市人民代表大会会议议程的地方性法规案,大会全体会议听取常务委员会或提案人说明后,由各代表团进行审议。



第二十一条 列入市人民代表大会会议议程的地方性法规案,由有关的专门委员会进行审议,向主席团提出审议意见,并印发会议。

第二十二条 列入市人民代表大会会议议程的地方性法规案,由法制委员会根据各代表团和有关的专门委员会的审议意见,对地方性法规案进行统一审议,向主席团提出审议结果报告和地方性法规草案表决稿,对重要的不同意见应当在审议结果报告中予以说明,经主席团会议审议通过后,印发会议。

第二十三条 列入市人民代表大会会议议程的地方性法规案,必要时,主席团常务主席可以召开各代表团团长会议,就地方性法规案中的重大问题听取各代表团的审议意见,进行讨论,并将讨论的情况和意见向主席团报告。


第二十四条 列入市人民代表大会会议议程的地方性法规案,在交付表决前,提案人要求撤回的,应当说明理由,经主席团同意,并向大会报告,对该地方性法规案的审议即行终止。

第二十五条 地方性法规案在审议中有重大问题需要进一步研究的,经主席团提出,由大会全体会议决定,可以授权常务委员会根据代表的意见进一步审议,作出决定,并将决定情况向市人民代表大会下次会议报告;也可以授权常务委员会根据代表的意见进一步审议,提出修改方案,提请市人民代表大会下次会议审议决定。

第二十六条 地方性法规草案表决稿由主席团提请大会全体会议表决,由全体代表的过半数通过。表决前,法制委员会向全体会议作审议结果的报告。


第二节  市人民代表大会常务委员会制定地方性法规程序


第二十七条  市人民代表大会常务委员会主任会议可以向常务委员会提出地方性法规案,由常务委员会会议审议。


第二十八条  常务委员会组成人员五人以上联名,可以向常务委员会提出地方性法规案,由主任会议决定是否列入常务委员会会议议程,或者先交有关的专门委员会审议,提出是否列入会议议程的意见,再决定是否列入常务委员会会议议程。不列入常务委员会会议议程的,应当向常务委员会会议报告或者向提案人说明。


第二十九条  列入常务委员会会议议程的地方性法规案,除特殊情况外,应当在会议举行的七日前将地方性法规草案发给常务委员会组成人员。


第三十条  列入常务委员会会议议程的地方性法规案,一般应当经两次常务委员会会议审议后再交付表决。



第三十一条  列入常务委员会会议议程的地方性法规案,各方面意见比较一致的,可以经一次常务委员会会议审议即交付表决;调整事项较为单一或部分修改的地方性法规案,各方面意见比较一致的,也可以经一次常务委员会会议审议后即交付表决;重要的地方性法规案,可以经三次以上常务委员会会议审议后再交付表决。

第三十二条  常务委员会会议审议地方性法规案时,根据需要,可以召开联组会议或者全体会议,对地方性法规草案中的主要问题进行讨论。

第三十三条  常务委员会分组会议审议地方性法规案时,提案人应当派人听取意见,回答询问。


第三十四条  列入常务委员会会议议程的地方性法规案,由有关的专门委员会进行审议,提出审议意见,印发常务委员会会议。


第三十五条  列入常务委员会会议议程的地方性法规案,由法制委员会根据常务委员会组成人员、有关的专门委员会的审议意见和各方面提出的意见,对地方性法规案进行统一审议,提出审议结果报告和地方性法规草案修改稿,对重要的不同意见应当在审议结果报告中予以说明。对有关的专门委员会的重要审议意见没有采纳的,应当向有关的专门委员会反馈。


第三十六条  专门委员会审议地方性法规案时,应当召开全体会议审议,根据需要,可以邀请有关机关、组织派有关负责人说明情况。

第三十七条  专门委员会之间对地方性法规草案的重要问题意见不一致时,应当向主任会议报告。

第三十八条  列入常务委员会会议议程的地方性法规案,法制委员会、有关的专门委员会和常务委员会法制工作委员会应当听取各方面的意见。听取意见可以采取座谈会、论证会、听证会等多种形式。




第三十九条  列入常务委员会会议议程的地方性法规案,应当在常务委员会会议后将地方性法规草案及其起草、修改的说明等向社会公布,征求意见,但是经主任会议决定不公布的除外。向社会公开征求意见的时间一般不少于三十日。征求意见的情况应当向社会通报。

第四十条  列入常务委员会会议议程的地方性法规案,常务委员会法制工作委员会应当收集整理分组审议的意见和各方面提出的意见以及其他有关资料,分送法制委员会和有关的专门委员会,并根据需要,印发常务委员会会议。

第四十一条  拟提请常务委员会会议审议通过的地方性法规案,在法制委员会提出审议结果报告前,常务委员会法制工作委员会可以对地方性法规草案中主要制度规范的可行性、地方性法规出台时机、地方性法规实施的社会效果和可能出现的问题等进行评估。评估情况由法制委员会在审议结果报告中予以说明。

第四十二条  列入常务委员会会议议程的地方性法规案,在交付表决前,提案人要求撤回的,应当说明理由,经主任会议同意,并向常务委员会报告,对该地方性法规案的审议即行终止。

第四十三条  地方性法规草案修改稿经常务委员会会议审议,由法制委员会根据常务委员会组成人员的审议意见进行修改,提出地方性法规草案表决稿,由主任会议提请常务委员会全体会议表决,由常务委员会全体组成人员的过半数通过。表决前,法制委员会向全体会议作草案修改稿修改情况的说明。



第四十四条  列入常务委员会会议审议的地方性法规案,因各方面对制定该地方性法规的必要性、可行性等重大问题存在较大意见分歧搁置审议满两年的,或者因暂不付表决经过两年没有再次列入常务委员会会议议程审议的,由主任会议向常务委员会报告,该地方性法规案终止审议。

第四十五条  对多部地方性法规中涉及同类事项的个别条款进行修改,一并提出地方性法规案的,经主任会议决定,可以合并表决,也可以分别表决。


第三节  其他规定


第四十六条  地方性法规草案一般由市人民政府或者市人民代表大会专门委员会组织起草。


第四十七条  市人民政府、市人民代表大会专门委员会组织起草地方性法规草案应当确定起草工作负责人,落实起草工作人员,并根据制定地方性法规计划的要求,作出起草进度安排;不能按要求如期完成起草工作的,需写出报告,向主任会议说明情况。

第四十八条  起草地方性法规草案应当进行深入的调查研究,广泛听取有关机关、组织和公民的意见。

第四十九条  市人民代表大会有关的专门委员会、常务委员会相关工作机构应当提前参与法规草案起草工作。涉及本市重大事项的地方性法规草案,可以由有关的专门委员会或者常务委员会相关工作机构组织起草。



第五十条  提出地方性法规案,应当同时提出地方性法规草案文本及其说明,并提供必要的参阅资料。修改地方性法规的,还应当提交修改前后的对照文本。地方性法规草案的说明应当包括制定或修改地方性法规的必要性、可行性和主要内容,以及起草过程中对重大分歧意见的协调处理情况。

第五十一条  市人民政府、市人民代表大会各专门委员会提出的地方性法规案,应当分别经市人民政府常务会议或者全体会议、专门委员会会议讨论通过。

第五十二条 向市人民代表大会常务委员会提出地方性法规案,应当于常务委员会会议举行的一个月前提出。如不能按期提出,需写出报告,向主任会议说明情况。

第五十三条 向市人民代表大会及其常务委员会提出的地方性法规案,在列入会议议程前,提案人有权撤回。

第五十四条 交付市人民代表大会及其常务委员会全体会议表决未获得通过的地方性法规案,如果提案人认为必须制定该地方性法规,可以按照本条例规定的程序重新提出,由主席团、主任会议决定是否列入会议议程;其中,未获得市人民代表大会通过的地方性法规案,应当提请市人民代表大会审议决定。

第五十五条  地方性法规案与其他地方性法规相关规定不一致的,提案人应当予以说明并提出处理意见,必要时应当同时提出修改或者废止其他地方性法规相关规定的议案。


第五十六条  市人民代表大会有关的专门委员会、常务委员会相关工作机构可以组织对有关地方性法规或地方性法规中有关规定进行立法后评估。评估情况应当向常务委员会报告。

第五十七条 地方性法规应当明确规定施行日期。


第四章  地方性法规的报批和公布


第五十八条  市人民代表大会及其常务委员会会议通过的地方性法规,由市人民代表大会常务委员会报请省人民代表大会常务委员会批准。

第五十九条  地方性法规经省人民代表大会常务委员会批准后,由市人民代表大会常务委员会发布公告予以公布。

第六十条  地方性法规应当自批准之日起五日内在《威海日报》和威海人大信息网上刊载,并在最近一期的《威海市人民代表大会常务委员会公报》上刊载。


第六十一条  地方性法规部分条文被修改或者废止的,应当公布新的地方性法规文本。

第六十二条  地方性法规标题的题注应当载明制定机关、通过日期。经过修改的地方性法规,应当依次载明修改机关、修改日期。


第五章  地方性法规解释


第六十三条  地方性法规解释权属于市人民代表大会常务委员会。




第六十四条  市人民政府、市中级人民法院、市人民检察院和市人民代表大会各专门委员会以及各区市人民代表大会常务委员会可以向市人民代表大会常务委员会提出地方性法规解释的要求。

第六十五条  常务委员会法制工作委员会研究拟订地方性法规解释草案,由主任会议决定列入常务委员会会议议程。

第六十六条  地方性法规解释草案经常务委员会会议审议,由法制委员会根据常务委员会组成人员的审议意见进行审议、修改,提出地方性法规解释草案表决稿。

第六十七条  地方性法规解释草案表决稿由常务委员会全体组成人员的过半数通过。


第六十八条  市人民代表大会常务委员会的地方性法规解释同地方性法规具有同等效力。

第六十九条  市人民代表大会常务委员会法制工作委员会可以对地方性法规的有关具体问题的询问进行研究予以答复,并报常务委员会备案。

第六章 规章的备案审查

第七十条  市人民政府制定的规章,应当在公布后的三十日内,报送市人民代表大会常务委员会备案。报送备案的文件包括规章文本、说明和备案报告。


第七十一条  市中级人民法院、市人民检察院、各区市人民代表大会常务委员会认为规章同宪法、法律、行政法规和本省、市地方性法规相抵触的,可以向市人民代表大会常务委员会书面提出进行审查的要求,由常务委员会法制工作委员会分送有关专门委员会进行审查,提出意见。



第七十二条  市人民代表大会专门委员会、常务委员会法制工作委员会在审查、研究中认为规章同宪法、法律、行政法规和本省、市地方性法规相抵触的,可以向市人民政府提出书面审查意见、研究意见;也可以由法制委员会与有关专门委员会、常务委员会法制工作委员会召开联合审查会议,要求市人民政府到会说明情况,再向市人民政府提出书面审查意见。市人民政府在收到书面审查意见后,应当在两个月内研究提出是否修改或者废止的意见,并向法制委员会和有关的专门委员会或者常务委员会法制工作委员会反馈。


第七十三条  法制委员会、有关的专门委员会、常务委员会法制工作委员会经审查、研究认为规章同宪法、法律、行政法规和本省、市地方性法规相抵触而市人民政府不予修改或者废止的,应当向主任会议提出予以撤销的议案、建议,由主任会议决定提请常务委员会会议审议决定。

第七十四条  有关的专门委员会和常务委员会法制工作委员会应当按照规定要求,将审查、研究情况向提出审查建议的国家机关、社会团体、企业事业组织以及公民反馈,并可以向社会公开。

第七十五条  常务委员会会议审议规章撤销案,在全体会议上听取法制委员会或者有关的专门委员会审查意见的报告,进行审议,作出决定。



第七章  附    则


第七十六条  本条例由市人民代表大会常务委员会负责解释。

第七十七条  本条例自公布之日起施行。

Announcement of Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Weihai Municipality


The Regulations of Weihai Municipality on the Formulation of Local Laws and Regulations was adopted at the 5th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th People’s Congress of Weihai Municipality on January 21, 2016, approved at the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th People’s Congress of Shandong Province on March 30, 2016, and is hereby promulgated.



Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Weihai Municipality

April 5, 2016



Regulations of Weihai Municipality on Formulation of Local Laws and Regulations

(Adopted at the 5th session of the Standing Committee of the 16th People’s Congress of Weihai Municipality on January 21, 2016 and approved at the 20th session of the Standing Committee of the 12th People’s Congress of Shandong Province on March 30, 2016.)



Chapter I General Provisions

Chapter II Project Selection of Local Laws and Regulations Project Library and Compilation of the Annual Formulation Plan

Chapter III Procedures for the Municipal People’s Congress and its Standing Committee to Formulate Local Laws and Regulations

Section 1 Procedures for the Municipal People’s Congress to Formulate Local Laws and Regulations

Section 2 Procedures for the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress to Formulate Local Laws and Regulations

Section 3 Other Provisions

Chapter IV Approval and Issuance of Local Laws and Regulations

Chapter V Interpretation of Local Laws and Regulations

Chapter VI Recordation and Review of Rules

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions


Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 These Regulations are enacted in accordance with relevant provisions of the Organization Law of the People’s Republic of China for Local People’s Congresses at All Levels and Local Governments at All Levels and the Legislation Law of the People’s Republic of China and in light of the actual situations of this Municipality, for the purposes of standardizing the formulation of local laws and regulations and improving the legislation quality of local laws and regulations.


Article 2 These Regulations shall be applicable to the Municipal People’s Congress and its standing committee’ formulation, amendment, repeal, and interpretation of local laws and regulations and review of rules submitted by the Municipal People’s Government for recordation by the


Article 3 The Municipal People’s Congress and its standing committee shall strengthen the organization and coordination for the formulation of local laws and regulations and play a leading role therein.


Article 4 The Municipal People’s Congress and its standing committee shall formulate local laws and regulations within the authority as prescribed by law.


Article 5 Local laws and regulations regulating major issues within the administrative area of this Municipality shall be formulated and adopted by the Municipal People’s Congress.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress may formulate and amend the local laws and regulations other than those adopted by the Municipal People’s Congress; when the Municipal People’s Congress is not in session, the Standing Committee may make partial supplement and amendment to the local laws and regulations formulated by the Municipal People’s Congress, but such supplement and amendment shall not contradict with the basic principles of the local laws and regulations concerned.


Article 6 The formulation of local laws and regulations shall follow the statutory procedures, base on the integral interests of the State, protect the integrity and dignity of socialist legal system, comply with the specific situations and actual demands of the Municipality and shall not contradict with the Constitution, laws, administrative laws and regulations, and local laws and regulations.


Article 7 The formulation of local laws and regulations shall avoid repeating the existing provisions of the higher-level laws.


Article 8 The formulation of local laws and regulations shall carry forward the socialist democracy, stick to open legislation, and guarantee people’s participation in legislation by various means.


Article 9 The formulation of local laws and regulations shall proceed from reality, meet the demands of economic and social development and comprehensive deepening of reform, and provide for the rights and obligations of citizen, legal person and other organizations and authority and responsibilities of local and national organs in a scientific and rational manner.

The local laws and regulations shall be explicit, specific, pertinent and enforceable.


Chapter II Project Selection of Local Laws and Regulations Project Library and Compilation of the Annual Formulation Plan

Article 10 The Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress shall, by means of establishing local laws and regulations project library, formulating the annual local laws and regulation formulation plan, and otherwise, enhance the overall arrangement for the formulation of local laws and regulations. The Standing Committee shall, when establishing local laws and regulations project library and formulating annual local laws and regulation formulation plan, carry out careful research on the bills and suggestions submitted by the members, solicit opinions widely, conduct scientific argumentation and evaluation, determine local laws and regulation formulation project in accordance with the demands of social and economic development and democratic rule-of-law construction, and improve the promptness, pertinence and systematicity of local laws and regulations formulation. The admitted projects of local laws and regulations project library and annual local laws and regulations formulation plan shall be adopted by the directors’ meeting and the annual local laws and regulations formulation plan shall be released to the public according to relevant procedures.


Article 11 The Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress shall be responsible for the project selection of local laws and regulations project library and drafting of annual local laws and regulations formulation plan and shall supervise and urge the implementation of local laws and regulations formulation plan as required by the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress.


Article 12 National organs at all levels, social groups, enterprises and public institutions, and citizens of this Municipality may put forward project proposal of the local laws and regulations formulation plan.

The project proposal of local laws and regulations formulation plan put forwarded as prescribed by the preceding paragraph shall submit the letter of project proposal, which shall specify the name and major contents to be regulated of the local laws and regulations project, the necessity and feasibility of formulation of local laws and regulations and otherwise.


Article 13 The legislative affairs institutions under the Municipal People’s Government shall carry out research on the project proposal of local laws and regulations formulation plan proposed by relevant departments of the Municipal People’s Government, form the project proposals of local laws and regulations formulation plan of the Municipal People’s Government for the next year, and submit to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Government.


Article 14 The projects of annual local laws and regulations formulation plan shall consist of the completed projects and research projects.

The completed projects of local laws and regulations formulation plan shall specify the project submission unit, the purposes of local laws and regulations formulation, and the time of submitting to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress for deliberation; the research projects shall specify the responsible units of the projects.


Article 15 Where any local laws and regulations project proposal not listed in the annual formulation plan needs to be deliberated and formulated in the current year and does qualify the corresponding requirements, it may be included in the annual local laws and regulations formulation plan upon decision by the directors’ meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress.

Where the annual local laws and regulations formulation plan needs to be adjusted or modified, the Legal Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress shall put forward report in writing to be decided by the directors’ meeting.


Chapter III Procedures for the Municipal People’s Congress and its Standing Committee to Formulate Local Laws and Regulations

Section 1 Procedures for the Municipal People’s Congress to Formulate Local Laws and Regulations

Article 16 The Presidium of the Municipal People’s Congress may propose bills of local laws and regulations for deliberation at the sessions of the Municipal People’s Congress.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, the Municipal People’s Government and the special committees of the Municipal People’s Congress may propose bills of local laws and regulation, which shall be placed on the agenda by the decision of the Presidium.


Article 17 Ten or more deputies may jointly propose a bill of local laws and regulations to the Municipal People’s Congress and the Presidium may decide whether to place the bill on the session agenda or refer the bill first to the relevant special committees for deliberation and opinions on whether to place the bill on the session agenda before making such a decision.

The special committees may, during the deliberation, invite the deputies proposing the bill to attend the session and voice their opinions.


Article 18 The bill of local laws and regulations proposed to the Municipal People’s Congress during the adjournment thereof may first be proposed to the Standing Committee, which shall carry out deliberation according to relevant procedures provided in Section 2 of Chapter III of these Regulations, and then be submitted to the Municipal People’s Congress for deliberation. The Standing Committee or the bill proposer shall give a presentation to the plenary session of the People’s Congress.

The Standing Committee shall, when deliberating bill of local laws and regulations in accordance with provisions of the preceding paragraph, solicit opinions from deputies of the Municipal People’s Congress by multiple means and give feedback of situations concerned; the special committees and working agencies of the Standing Committee may, when carrying out research of local laws and regulations formulation, invite relevant deputies of the Municipal People’s Congress for participation.


Article 19 The Standing Committee shall, if deciding to submit any bill of local laws and regulations for deliberation at the session of the Municipal People’s Congress, send the draft bill of local laws and regulations to the deputies 1 month before the session is held.


Article 20 The bill of local laws and regulations placed on the session agenda of the Municipal People’s Congress shall be deliberated by the deputations after the presentation given by the Standing Committee or proposer thereon is heard by the plenary session of the Congress.

The proposer shall send relevant personnel to take advice and answer questions during the deputations’ deliberation of the bill of local laws and regulations.

Relevant organs and organizations shall, as required by the deputations, send personnel to brief the deputations during the deliberation of the bill of local laws and regulations.


Article 21 Relevant special committees shall deliberate the bill of local laws and regulations placed on the session agenda of the Municipal People’s Congress, put forward deliberation opinions to the Presidium, and issue such at the session.


Article 22 The Legal Affairs Committee shall, in accordance with the deliberation opinions of each deputation and relevant special committees, carry out unified deliberation on the bill of local laws and regulations placed on the session agenda of the Municipal People’s Congress, submit the report of deliberation results and voted draft of local law and regulations to the Presidium, clarify the major dissenting opinions in the report of deliberation results, and issue the draft at the session upon being deliberated and approved by the Presidium.


Article 23 The executive chairman of the Presidium may, if necessary, hold a meeting of the heads of deputations to hear their deliberation opinions for major issues of the bill of local laws and regulations placed on the session agenda of the Municipal People’s Congress, hold discussions, and report the discussions and opinions to the Presidium.

The executive chairman of the Presidium may also call relevant deputies recommended by deputations to discuss the major specialized issues of the bill of local laws and regulations, and report the discussions and opinions to the Presidium.


Article 24 The proposer requesting to retract the bill of local laws and regulations placed on the session agenda of the Municipal People’s Congress before it is brought to a vote shall state the reasons thereof and report to the session upon being approved by the Presidium, and the deliberation of the bill shall be ceased immediately.


Article 25 Where there is any major issue in a bill of local laws and regulations under deliberation needs further study, the Standing Committee may, at the request of the Presidium and upon be decided by the plenary session of the Congress, be authorized to carry out further deliberation based on the opinions of deputies, make a decision, and report the decision at the next session of the Municipal People’s Congress; or the Standing Committee may be authorized to carry out further deliberation based on the opinions of deputies, put forward draft revisions, and submit to the Municipal People’s Congress for deliberation and decision at the next session.


Article 26 The Presidium shall submit the voting versions of draft bill of local laws and regulations to the plenary session for voting and such bill shall be adopted by the majority of all deputies. The Legal Affairs Committee shall, before the vote, report the deliberation results to the plenary session.


Section 2 Procedures for the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress to Formulate Local Laws and Regulations

Article 27 The directors’ meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress may propose bills of local laws and regulations for deliberation at the sessions of the Standing Committee.

The Municipal People’s Government and the special committees of the Municipal People’s Congress may propose bills of local laws and regulation to the Standing Committee and the directors’ meeting may decide to place the bill on the session agenda of the Standing Committee or refer the bill first to relevant special committees for deliberation and proposing of a report and then decide to place it on the session agenda of the Standing Committee. Where the directors’ meeting believes there indeed exists major issues requiring further study, it may suggest the proposer to submit to the Standing Committee after modification.


Article 28 Five or more members of the Standing Committee may jointly propose a bill of local laws and regulations to the Standing Committee and the directors’ meeting may decide whether to place the bill on the agenda of session or refer the bill first to the relevant special committees for deliberation and opinions on whether to place the bill on the agenda before making such a decision. In case of making a decision of not to place the bill on the session agenda of the Standing Committee, the Standing Committee shall report to the session or state the reasons thereof to the proposer.

The special committees may, during the deliberation, invite the proposers to attend the session and voice their opinions.


Article 29 The bill of local laws and regulations placed on the session of the Standing

Committee shall, except under exceptional circumstances, be sent to the members of the Standing Committee 7 days before the session is held.

The Standing Committee may, during the deliberation of bill of local laws and regulations, invite the relevant deputies of the Municipal People’s Congress to attend the session.


Article 30 The bill of local laws and regulations placed on the session agenda of the Standing Committee shall generally be submitted for voting upon being deliberated by the Standing Committee for two times.

The Standing Committee shall, in the first deliberation of bill of local laws and regulations, hear the specification of the proposer at the plenary session, issue the written deliberation reports of relevant special committees, and conduct preliminary deliberation in sessions of subgroups.

The Standing Committee shall, in the second deliberation of bill of local laws and regulations, hear the report of deliberation results by the Legal Affairs Committee at the plenary session and conduct deliberation on the revision of draft bill in the sessions of subgroups.


Article 31 Where opinions of all parties on the bill of local laws and regulations placed on the session agenda of the Standing Committee are relatively consistent, the bill may be submitted for voting upon being deliberated by the session of the Standing Committee for one time; where opinions of all parties on the bill of laws and regulations under relatively simple adjustment or partial modification are relatively consistent, the bill may also be submitted for voting upon being deliberated at the session of the Standing Committee for one time; and the major bill of local laws and regulations may be submitted for voting upon being deliberated at the session of the Standing Committee for no less than three times.


Article 32 In deliberation of bill of local laws and regulations, the Standing Committee may, if necessary, hold a joint session or plenary session to conduct discussion on the major issues of the draft bill of local laws and regulations.


Article 33 The proposer shall send relevant personnel to take advice and answer questions during deliberation of the bill of local laws and regulations by subgroups of the Standing Committee. 

Relevant organs and organizations shall, as required by the subgroups, send personnel to brief the subgroups during the deliberation of the bill of local laws and regulations.


Article 34 Relevant special committees shall deliberate the bill of local laws and regulations placed in the session agenda of the Standing Committee, put forward deliberation opinions, and issue such at the session.

Relevant special committees may, during the deliberation, invite the members of other special committees to attend the session and voice their opinions.


Article 35 The Legal Affairs Committee shall, in accordance with the deliberation opinions of members of the Standing Committee and relevant special committees and opinions put forwarded by all parties, carry out unified deliberation on the bill of local laws and regulations placed in the session agenda of the Standing Committee, submit the report of deliberation results and revision of draft of local law and regulations, and clarify the major dissenting opinions in the report of deliberation results. Where major deliberation opinions of relevant special committees are not adopted, feedback shall be submitted to the relevant special committees.

The Legal Affairs Committee shall, in deliberation of bill of local laws and regulations, invite members of relevant special committees to attend the session and voice their opinions.


Article 36 The special committees shall hold the plenary session to deliberate the bill of local laws and regulations and may invite the leaders of relevant organs and organizations to make presentation at the plenary session.


Article 37 Where the special committees have dissenting opinions on the major issues of the bill of local laws and regulations, report thereof shall be submitted to the directors’ meeting.  


Article 38 The Legal Affairs Committee, relevant special committees and the Legal Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee shall listen to and consider opinions of all parties on the bill of local laws and regulations placed on the session agenda of the Standing Committee. opinions may be considered through such means as symposium, demonstration meeting, and hearing.

Where feasibility assessment is required for any highly professional issue in the bill of local laws and regulations, a hearing shall be held to solicit opinions from relevant experts, departments and deputies of the Municipal People’s Congress. The argumentation results shall be reported to the Standing Committee.

Where there is major dissension or major adjustment of interest concerning the bill of local laws and regulations that requires a hearing, a hearing shall be held to solicit opinions from relevant grassroots and group representatives, departments, mass organizations, experts, deputies of the Municipal People’s Congress and relevant parties of the society. The results of hearing shall be reported to the Standing Committee.

The Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee shall submit the draft bill of local laws and regulations to the deputies of the Municipal People’s Congress in relevant fields, the standing committees of the district people’s congresses, relevant departments, organizations and experts to solicit opinions.


Article 39 The draft bill of local laws and regulations and statements placed on the session agenda of the Standing Committee and statements for drafting and modification thereof shall be released to the public upon being deliberated at the session of the Standing Committee to solicit opinions therefrom, unless the directors’ meeting decides otherwise. The period for solicitation of public opinions shall be no less than thirty days. The results of opinion solicitation shall be released to the public.


Article 40 The Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee shall collect and collate the deliberation opinions of the subgroups and all parties and other relevant materials of the bill of local laws and regulations placed on the session agenda of the Standing Committee, send to the Legislative Affairs Committee and relevant special committees, and issue such at the session of the Standing Committee as needed.


Article 41 The Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee may, before the Legislative Affairs Committee issues the deliberation report, carry out evaluation on feasibility, timing for promulgation, social effects of implementation, possible problems and otherwise of the bill of local laws and regulations to be submitted to the Standing Committee for deliberation and adoption. The Legislative Affairs Committee shall state the results of evaluation in the report of deliberation results.


Article 42 The proposer requesting to retract the bill of local laws and regulations placed on the session agenda of the Standing Committee before it is submitted for voting shall state the reasons thereof and report to the directors meeting upon being approved by the Standing Committee, and the deliberation of the bill shall be ceased immediately.


Article 43 The Legislative Affairs Committee shall modify the draft bill of local laws and regulations deliberated by the Standing Committee in accordance with the deliberation opinions issued by the members of the Standing Committee and propose the voting versions of the draft bill of local laws and regulations. The directors’ meeting shall submit such bill to the plenary session of the Standing Committee for voting and the bill shall be adopted by the majority of all members of the Standing Committee. The Legislative Affairs Committee shall, before voting, specify the modification of draft bill at the plenary session.

Before submitting the voting versions of the draft bill of local laws and regulations to the session of the Standing Committee for voting, the directors’ meeting may, in accordance with the deliberation results of the Standing Committee, submit certain key provisions with major dissension to the session of the Standing Committee for a separate vote.

After the provisions being voted separately at the session of the Standing Committee, the directors’ meeting may, in accordance with the results of separate vote, decide to submit the voting versions of the draft bill of local laws and regulations for voting, or submit to the Legislative Affairs Committee and relevant special committees for further deliberation.


Article 44 Where the deliberation of bill of local laws and regulations to be deliberated at the session of the Standing Committee has been postponed for two years due to the major dissension of different parties regarding the necessity and feasibility of formulating the local laws and regulations, or the bill fails to be placed on the session agenda of the Standing Committee after being temporarily postponed for voting, the directors’ meeting shall report to the Standing Committee to terminate the deliberation of such bill of local laws and regulations.


Article 45 In case of modifying certain provisions concerning issues of the same category in multiple local laws and regulations and collectively proposing a bill of local laws and regulations, the directors’ meeting may decide to hold a vote collectively or separately.


Section 3 Other Provisions

Article 46 The drafting of bill of local laws and regulations shall generally be organized by the Municipal People’s Government or the special committees of the Municipal People’s Congress.

Where the deputies of the Municipal People’s Congress and members of the Standing Committee jointly propose a bill of local laws and regulations, the bill shall be drafted by themselves with the assistance of the special committees of the Municipal People’s Congress and relevant departments of the Municipal People’s Government; where the proposers lack the capabilities and conditions to draft the bill independently, they may put forward suggestions concerning formulation of bill of local laws and regulations and the directors’ meeting may designate or entrust relevant departments, organizations or experts to carry out the drafting work.


Article 47 The Municipal People’s Government and the special committees of the Municipal People’s Congress shall, when organizing the drafting of any bill of local laws and regulations, identify the person in charge of drafting and specific staffs and make a schedule for drafting in accordance with the requirements for formulation of local laws and regulations plan; where the drafting work cannot be completed as scheduled, a report shall be submitted to the directors’ meeting for explanation.


Article 48 When drafting any bill of local laws and regulations, in-depth investigation and research shall be conducted and opinions of relevant state organs, organizations and the public shall be widely solicited.


Article 49 Relevant special committees of the Municipal People’s Congress and relevant working agencies of the Standing Committee shall participate in the drafting of bill of local laws and regulations in advance. The bill of local laws and regulations involving major issues of this Municipality may be drafted by the relevant special committees or relevant working agencies of the Standing Committee.

Relevant special committees of the Municipal People’s Congress and relevant working agencies of the Standing Committee shall listen to the report concerning the drafting of bill of local laws and regulations as needed and urge the on-schedule completion of drafting.

The bill of local laws and regulations with relatively high level of expertise may be drafted with the participation of experts in relevant fields or be entrusted to relevant experts, teaching and scientific research units, or social organizations for drafting.


Article 50 Where any bill of local laws and regulations is proposed, the text of the bill, supporting specifications and necessary references shall be provided simultaneously. Where any bill of local laws and regulations is amended, the cross-reference texts consisting of the original version and the amended version shall be submitted as well. The specification of bill of local laws and regulations shall state the necessity and feasibility of formulation or amendment of local laws and regulations, the major contents, and results concerning coordination and settlement of major dissention in the process of drafting.


Article 51 The bill of local laws and regulations proposed by the Municipal People’s Government and the special committees of the Municipal People’s Congress shall be discussed and adopted by the executive meeting or plenary session of the Municipal People’s Government and the session of the special committees respectively.


Article 52 The bill of local laws and regulations to be proposed to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress shall be proposed 1 month before the date when the session of the Standing Committee is held. Where the bill cannot be proposed on time, report shall be submitted to the directors’ meeting for explanation.


Article 53 The proposer shall have the right to retract the bill of local laws and regulations proposed to the Municipal People’s Congress and its Standing Committee before the bill is placed on the session agenda thereof.


Article 54 Where any bill of local laws and regulations submitted to the Municipal People’s Congress and its standing committee for voting fails to be adopted and the proposer believes that the bill must be formulated, the proposer may re-propose the bill in accordance with the procedures specified in these Regulations and the Presidium and the directors’ meeting shall decide whether to place it on the session agenda or not; and the bill of local laws and regulations failing to be adopted by the Municipal People’s Congress shall be submitted to the Municipal People’s Congress for deliberation.


Article 55 Where the bill of local laws and regulations is inconsistent with relevant provisions of other local laws and regulations, the proposer shall make specification, put forward corresponding handling opinions, and, if necessary, put forward proposal for amendment or repeal of relevant provisions of other local laws and regulations.

Where the Legislative Affairs Committee and other relevant special committees, in deliberation of bill of local laws and regulations, deem the amendment or repeal of relevant provisions of other local laws and regulations necessary, corresponding handling opinions shall be put forwarded thereby.


Article 56 Relevant special committees of the Municipal People’s Congress and relevant working agencies of the Standing Committee may organize the post-legislation evaluation of relevant local laws and regulations or relevant provisions of local laws and regulations. The evaluation results shall be reported to the Standing Committee.


Article 57 The promulgation date shall be explicitly specified in the local laws and regulations.


Chapter IV Approval and Issuance of Local Laws and Regulations

Article 58 The local laws and regulations adopted at the sessions of the Municipal People’s Congress and its standing committee shall be submitted by the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress for approval.


Article 59 The Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress shall make announcement and release the local laws and regulations upon being approved by the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress.


Article 60 Local laws and regulations shall be published in Weihai Daily and the information website of the Weihai Municipal People’s Congress within 5 days as of the approval date and be published in the latest Bulletin of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Weihai Municipality.

The local laws and regulations published in the Bulletin of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Weihai Municipality shall be deemed as the standard text.


Article 61 Where certain provisions of local laws and regulations are amended or repealed, new text of local laws and regulations shall be published.


Article 62 The annotation of title of local laws and regulations shall specify the formulation organ and the adoption date. The amended local laws and regulations shall specify the amendment organ and amendment date successively.


  Chapter V Interpretation of Local Laws and Regulations

Article 63 The Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress shall have the right to interpret local laws and regulations.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress shall issue interpretation of the local laws and regulations in any of the following circumstances:

(i) where the provisions of the local laws and regulations needs further clarification of the specific meaning;

(ii) where any new circumstance occurs after the formulation of local laws and regulations and the basis for application of local laws and regulations needs to be identified.


Article 64 The Municipal People’s Government, the Municipal Intermediate People’s Court, the Municipal People’s Procuratorate, the special committees of the Municipal People’s Congress, and the standing committees of the district people’s congresses may request the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress to issue interpretation of local laws and regulations.


Article 65 The Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee shall study and prepare the draft interpretation of local laws and regulations, which shall be placed on the session agenda of the Standing Committee by decision of the directors’ meeting.


Article 66 The Legislative Affairs Committee shall carry out deliberation and amendment of the draft interpretation of local laws and regulations deliberated at the session of Standing Committee in accordance with the deliberation opinions issued by the members of the Standing Committee and put forward the voting version of the draft interpretation of local laws and regulations.


Article 67 The voting version of draft interpretation of local laws and regulations shall be adopted by the majority of all members of the Standing Committee.

Relevant provisions of Chapter IV of these Regulations shall be applicable to the approval and issuance of interpretation of local laws and regulations.


Article 68 The interpretation of local laws and regulations issued by the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress shall have the same effect as the local laws and regulations.


Article 69 The Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress may carry out research and reply to the inquiries concerning relevant specific issues of the local laws and regulations and submit to the Standing Committee for recordation.


Chapter VI Recordation and Review of Rules

Article 70 The rules formulated by the Municipal People’s Government shall, within 30 days after promulgation, be submitted to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress for recordation. The documents submitted for recordation shall include the texts of rules, the specification and recordation report.

Where relevant provisions of the Legislation Law of the People’s Republic of China provide that the rules formulated by the Municipal People’s Government should be submitted to the State Council, the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, and the Provincial People’s Government for recordation, the procedures provided by relevant provisions of laws and regulations shall be implemented.


Article 71 Where the Municipal Intermediate People’s Court, the Municipal People’s Procuratorate, and the standing committees of the district people’s congresses believe that the rules contradict with the Constitution, laws, administrative regulations and local laws and regulations of the Province and the Municipality, a written request for review may be submitted to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress and the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee shall send the request to relevant special committees for review and opinion solicitation.

Where any other state organ, social group, enterprise, public institution or citizen believes that the rules contradict with the Constitution, laws, administrative regulations, and local laws and regulations of the Province and the Municipality, written suggestions may be submitted to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress for review of the rules and the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee shall carry out research on the rules, submit to relevant special committees for review when necessary and put forward corresponding opinions.

Relevant special committees and the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee may actively carry out review of the rules submitted for recordation.


Article 72 Where the special committees of the Municipal People’s Congress and the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee, in the review and study of rules, believe that the rules contradict with the Constitution, laws, administrative regulations, and local laws and regulations of the Province and the Municipality, review opinions and research opinions in writing may be submitted to the Municipal People’s Government; or the Legislative Affairs Committee may, in collaboration with relevant special committees and the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee, hold a joint review meeting, request the Municipal People’s Government to attend the meeting to make specification, and then put forward written review opinions to the Municipal People’s Government. The Municipal People’s Government shall, upon receiving the written review opinions, study and put forward opinions on whether to amend or repeal the rules concerned within 2 months and give feedback to the Legislative Affairs Committee and relevant special committees or the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee.

The Legislative Affairs Committee, the special committees of the Municipal People’s Congress and the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee shall, in accordance with the preceding paragraph, put forward the review opinions and research opinions to the Municipal People’s Government. Where the Municipal People’s Government carries out amendment or repeal of the rules in accordance with such opinions, the review shall be terminated.  


Article 73 Where the Legislative Affairs Committee, the special committees of the Municipal People’s Congress and the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee, upon review and study, believe that the rules contradict with the Constitution, laws, administrative regulations, and local laws and regulations of the Province and the Municipality and the Municipal People’s Government refuses to make amendment or repeal, proposals and suggestions to be revoked shall be submitted to the directors’ meeting, which shall decide to submit the rules to the session of the Standing Committee for deliberation.


Article 74 Relevant special committees of the Municipal People’s Congress and the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee shall give feedback concerning results of review and research to the state organs, social groups, enterprises, public institutions and citizens putting forward the review suggestions as required and may release such to the social public.


Article 75 The Standing Committee shall, when deliberating the revocation of rules, listen to the report of review opinions delivered by the Legislative Affairs Committee or relevant special committees at the plenary session, carry out deliberation, and make the decision.

Where the Standing Committee makes the decision of revoking the rules, an announcement shall be released to the public.

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

Article 76 The Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations.


Article 77 These Regulations shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.



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