
发布日期:2021-12-09 10:40访问次数: 信息来源:威海市人大字号:[ ]






















(2021112日威海市第十七届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议通过  2021年12月3日山东省第十三届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十二次会议批准)



第一章  总  则

第二章  停车设施的规划与建设

第三章  停车设施的使用与管理

第四章  车辆停放规范

第五章  法律责任

第六章  附  则




第一条  为了规范停车秩序,改善交通环境,推进精致城市建设,根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》等法律、法规的规定,结合本市实际,制定本条例。

第二条  本市城市规划区范围内以及市、县级市人民政府认为需要管理的区域的停车管理和服务活动,适用本条例。


第三条  停车管理和服务应当遵循政府主导、统筹规划、社会共治、高效便民的原则。

第四条  市、区(县级市)人民政府应当建立停车管理和服务协调机制,完善管理和服务体制,制定政策措施,研究解决重大问题。



第五条  公安机关交通管理部门是停车管理和服务的综合协调部门,负责市、区(县级市)人民政府协调机制确定的事项的督促落实和道路范围内停车秩序管理、停车场和道路停车泊位备案等工作。



第六条  有序推进市、区(县级市)人民政府智能化停车管理和服务,促进智慧交通城市发展。

第七条  倡导文明停车、绿色出行。鼓励开展维护停车秩序的志愿服务。



第二章  停车设施的规划与建设


第八条  市、县级市公安机关交通管理部门应当会同自然资源、规划、住房城乡建设等部门,根据国土空间规划和城市综合交通规划,编制停车场专项规划,报同级人民政府批准后实施。



第九条  下列公共建筑未配建停车场或者配建的停车场未达到设置标准和设计规范,客观环境条件允许的,应当按照规定补建或者改建:



第十条  建筑物改变使用功能的,已配建的停车场不得改作他用;按照改变后的使用功能需要提高停车泊位配建标准的,应当按照改变后对应的建设工程项目停车泊位配建标准,配建停车场或者增设停车泊位。

第十一条  市、县级市规划行政主管部门在审查公共停车场和大中型公共建筑配建、增建、补建停车场的规划设计方案时,应当征求同级公安机关交通管理部门的意见。

第十二条  停车场的设计方案应当符合国家、省停车设施设置标准和设计规范,并按照标准设置无障碍停车泊位和新能源汽车充电设施。



第十三条  鼓励利用待建土地、空闲厂区、边角空地、桥下空间等闲置场所依法设置临时停车设施。


第十四条  公安机关交通管理部门可以在停车供需矛盾突出的区域,施划道路停车泊位。



第十五条  施划道路停车泊位应当充分考虑行人、车辆的通行需求,并不得影响其他公用设施的使用。




第十六条  公安机关交通管理部门可以根据法律、法规规定和道路交通状况,在客运站点、公共交通枢纽、商业聚集区、学校、幼儿园、医疗机构、公共服务机构等人员聚集区域的道路两侧,设置临停快走区域,用于机动车临时停靠上下乘客。



第十七条  停车供需矛盾突出的住宅小区、商业街区,旅游景区等,其周边道路具备节假日、夜间等时段性停车条件的,公安机关交通管理部门可以会同城市管理部门设置时段性道路停车泊位。


第十八条  区(县级市)人民政府应当组织相关部门和镇人民政府、街道办事处根据非机动车停车需求,在不影响道路通行、便于管理的条件下合理设置非机动车停放点。


第十九条  鼓励社会资本投资建设停车场。


第三章  停车设施的使用与管理


第二十条  市公安机关交通管理部门应当建立统一的停车综合服务平台,向社会提供实时停车指引服务。



第二十一条  公共停车场和经营性道路停车泊位投入使用后一个月内,经营者或者管理者应当到公安机关交通管理部门备案。













第二十二条  停车场的经营者或者管理者承担停车场管理的主体责任。


第二十三条  公共停车场和道路停车泊位的经营者或者管理者应当遵守下列规定:









第二十四条  政府投资建设的距离学校和幼儿园出入口三百米以内的经营性公共停车场应当依据学生和学龄前儿童上学放学时间确定合理时段,免费向接送车辆开放。

第二十五条  鼓励专用停车场向公众开放。


第二十六条  任何单位和个人不得擅自在公共区域内设置固定或者可移动障碍物阻碍机动车停放或者通行;不得在未取得所有权或者专属使用权的停车泊位上设置地桩、地锁或者其他障碍物;不得占用公共停车场或者道路停车泊位从事经营活动。

第二十七条  本着同一停车区域地上高于地下、白天高于夜间、道路停车泊位高于停车场和停车泊位紧张区域高于停车泊位宽松区域的原则,合理确定政府投资建设的公共停车场和道路停车泊位的停车收费价格,并建立价格动态调整机制,充分发挥政府指导价在解决城市停车困难方面的价格调节作用。


第四章  车辆停放规范


第二十八条  机动车驾驶人在公共停车场停放车辆时应当遵守下列规定:







第二十九条  机动车驾驶人在道路停车泊位停车时应当遵守下列规定:






第三十条  禁止在城市道路上停放车辆,但是依据本条例第十四条、第十七条的规定施划的道路停车泊位除外。



第三十一条  任何单位和个人不得将达到国家强制报废标准或者闲置不再行驶的机动车停放在城市道路、广场、公共停车场、住宅小区非专有位置等场所。

第三十二条  住宅小区内的车辆停放,应当遵守法律、法规和管理规约,服从物业停车秩序维护。



第三十三条  非机动车应当停放在有施划非机动车停放点的区域;车辆停放应当整齐有序,不得影响道路通行和市容环境秩序。二轮摩托车可以停放在非机动车停放点。







第三十四条  沿街单位应当加强自我管理,规范、有序停放本单位的非机动车。



第五章  法律责任


第三十五条  违反本条例规定的行为,法律、法规对其法律责任已有规定的,从其规定。

第三十六条  停车管理和服务的行政部门工作人员玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,对有关责任人员依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第三十七条  违反本条例第二十条第二款规定,公共停车场和经营性道路停车泊位不配置停车管理信息系统,或者不向停车综合服务平台开放数据端口的,由公安机关交通管理部门责令改正;拒不改正的,处一万元以上两万元以下罚款。

第三十八条  违反本条例第二十一条规定,公共停车场和经营性道路停车泊位未按照规定备案或者变更备案的,由公安机关交通管理部门责令改正;拒不改正的,处二千元以上五千元以下罚款。

第三十九条  违反本条例第二十三条第一款第三项规定,出售或者以专用车位形式出租公共停车泊位的,由公安机关交通管理部门责令改正;拒不改正的,处一万元罚款,并没收违法所得。


第四十条  违反本条例第二十六条规定,擅自在公共区域内设置固定或者可移动障碍物阻碍机动车停放或者通行,以及在未取得所有权或者专属使用权的停车泊位上设置地桩、地锁或者其他障碍物的,由公安机关交通管理部门或者城市管理主管部门依照其职责,责令改正;拒不改正的,处五百元罚款。



第四十一条  违反本条例第二十九条第一项规定,机动车驾驶人在道路停车泊位停放车辆超过允许停放时段的,由公安机关交通管理部门予以警告,责令其立即驶离;机动车驾驶人拒绝立即驶离的,处二十元以上二百元以下罚款,可以将机动车拖移至不妨碍交通的地点或者公安机关交通管理部门指定的地点停放,并及时将停放地点通知机动车所有人。

第四十二条  违反本条例第三十一条规定,将达到国家强制报废标准的机动车停放在城市道路、广场、公共停车场非专有位置等场所的,由公安机关交通管理部门或者城市管理主管部门依照其职责,责令该机动车所有人限期搬离;逾期不搬离或者无法联系到机动车所有人的,可以将机动车拖移至不妨碍交通的地点或者公安机关交通管理部门指定的地点停放,并及时将停放地点通知机动车所有人或者依法予以公告。


第四十三条  违反本条例第三十三条第三款规定,互联网租赁非机动车经营企业未及时将违规停放的车辆整理到互联网租赁非机动车停点停放以及及时回收故障、破损车辆的,公安机关交通管理部门或者城市管理主管部门按照职责,对互联网租赁非机动车经营企业进行警告,责令改正;拒不改正的,按照违规车辆每辆一百元的标准罚款




第四十四条  本条例下列用语的含义:







第四十五条  本条例自2022年1月1日起施行。



Announcement of the Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Weihai Municipality

(No. 104)


The Regulations of Weihai Municipality on Parking Management and Service, as adopted at the 36th session of the Standing Committee of the 17th People’s Congress of Weihai Municipality on November 2, 2021 and approved at the 32nd session of the Standing Committee of the 13th People’s Congress of Shandong Province on December 3, 2021, is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of January 1, 2022.



The Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Weihai Municipality

December 7, 2021


Regulations of Weihai Municipality on Parking Management and Service



(Adopted at the 36th session of the 17th People’s Congress of Weihai Municipality on November 2, 2021 and approved at the 32nd session of the Standing Committee of the13th People’s Congress of Shandong Province on December 3, 2021)




Chapter I General Provisions

Chapter II Planning and Construction of the Parking Facilities

Chapter III Use and Management of Parking Facilities

Chapter IV Vehicle Parking Specification

Chapter V Legal Liabilities

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 These Regulations are enacted in accordance with the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations and in light of the actual situations of this Municipality, for the purposes of regulating the parking order, improving traffic environment, and promoting the construction of delicate city.


Article 2 These Regulations shall be applicable to the parking management and service within the urban planning areas of this Municipality and in areas where management, in the view of the municipal and county-level city people’s governments, is necessary.

These Regulations shall not be applicable to the planning, construction, use and management of such special parking facilities as public transportation and road freight transport stations and terminals.


Article 3 The parking management and service shall comply with the principles of led by the government, overall planning, shared governance by the society, high efficiency and convenience for the public.


Article 4 The municipal and district (county-level) people’s governments shall establish the parking management and service coordination mechanism, optimize the management and service system, formulate policies and measures, and study and resolve major issues concerned.

The town people’s governments and sub-district offices shall be responsible for organizing and coordinating the vehicle parking management and service work within their respective jurisdictions and guiding the neighborhood committees, the owners’ meeting, the owners’ committees and the property service enterprises to carry out parking order governance.

The neighborhood committees, the owners’ committees and the property service enterprises shall be encouraged to establish a negotiation mechanism for shared governance and benefits of vehicle parking, carry out communication and negotiation regularly, and settle disputes arising from parking management and service. Residents shall be supported to formulate parking conventions of residential communities to realize the autonomy of parking management and service in residential communities.


Article 5 The traffic management department under the public security organ shall be the competent department for comprehensive coordination of parking management and service and shall be responsible for the supervision and implementation of work identified by the coordination mechanism of the municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments, the management of parking order within the areas of road, the recordation of parking lots and parking spots on the road, and otherwise.

The urban management department shall be responsible for managing the parking order in the public areas outside the road; accepting reports or complaints from owners, owners’ committees, property service enterprise and other parties concerned and dealing with parking acts in violation of law and regulations in the residential communities.

The departments of development and reform, natural resources, planning, transportation, emergency management, market supervision and management, civil air defence, big data management and otherwise shall, in accordance with their respective functions and duties, carry out solid implementation of relevant work of parking management and service.


Article 6 The smart parking management and service of the municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall be promoted in an orderly manner to facilitate the development of a city with smart transportation.


Article 7 Civilized parking and green travel shall be advocated and the voluntary services for maintenance of parking order shall be encouraged.

The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall enhance the construction of public traffic infrastructures and optimize the public traffic network to provide conditions for the public’s green travel.

Chapter II Planning and Construction of the Parking Facilities

Article 8 The municipal and county-level city public security organs shall, in collaboration with the departments of natural resources, planning, housing and urban-rural construction, and otherwise and in accordance with the territorial spatial planning and the urban comprehensive traffic planning, formulate the special parking lots planning and implement such planning upon being submitted to the people’s government at the same level for approval.

The formulation of the special parking lots planning shall comply with the principle of supportive program of construction projects as the primary plan, independent construction as the auxiliary plan, parking spots within the road as the supplementary plan, make overall planning for overground and underground space and carry out intensive use of land resources.

No unit or individual may arbitrarily change any approved special parking lots planning; such change, if necessary, shall be submitted to the original approval organ for consent.


Article 9 Where any public building has no parking lot or the parking lot so constructed fails to meet the establishment standard and design specification, supplementary construction or reconstruction thereof shall, if the objective environmental conditions permit, be implemented as required:

(i) railway stations, road passenger terminals, passenger wharves, airports, and transfer hub for public transportation and private vehicles;

(ii) stadiums, cinemas and theatres, libraries, hospitals, schools, exhibition venues, tourist attractions, trading markets, office buildings and otherwise.


Article 10 Where the use function of any building changes, the built-up parking lot shall not be used for other purpose; where the use function so changed requires for upgrading of standards for construction of parking spots, then the parking lot shall be constructed or the parking spots shall be added in accordance with the upgraded standards for construction of parking spots of corresponding construction projects.


Article 11 In case of reviewing the planning and design scheme for the public parking lots and supportive, additional and supplemental parking lots of large- and medium-sized public buildings, the municipal and county-level city administrative departments shall solicit opinions form the traffic management department at the same level.


Article 12 The design scheme of parking lot shall comply with the national and provincial standards and design specification for parking facilities and establish barrier-free parking spots and charging facilities for new energy vehicles in accordance with relevant standards.

The entrances and exits and barrier gates of parking lot shall be established in a scientific and reasonable manner and shall not influence the safe passage of the vehicles.

The use of civil air defence projects as parking lots shall comply with relevant laws and regulations of civil air defence.


Article 13 It is encouraged to use to-be-built land, plant areas in idle, corners and open spaces, spaces under bridge and other places in idle to establish temporary parking facilities in accordance with laws.

It is encouraged to establish such intensive parking facilities as parking structures and mechanical parking garages in areas with urgent parking demands.


Article 14 The traffic management department under the public security organ may delimit road parking spots in areas with urgent parking demand.

A delimitation scheme shall be formulated for road parking sports. The delimitation scheme shall solicit opinions from the urban management department and be announced in the areas concerned to solicit opinions from the social public therein. The term of announcement shall be no less than 15 days.

The traffic management department under the public security organ shall carry out regular assessment on the use of road parking spots and, if it is necessary to adjust the delimitation scheme in accordance with the assessment results, formulate the adjustment scheme and solicit opinions as required by the preceding paragraph.


Article 15 The delimitation of road parking lots shall take the passage demands of passengers and vehicles into full consideration and shall not influence the use of other public facilities.

Unless otherwise provided by any law, regulation and rule, no parking spot may be delimited in the following areas and road sections:

(i) areas within 300 meters from the built-up public parking lots with sufficient parking spots;

(ii) entrances and exits of schools and kindergartens, public traffic stations and areas within 30 meters from the above-mentioned places.


Article 16 The traffic management department under the public security organ may, in accordance with laws and regulations and actual road traffic situations, establish temporary parking areas along both sides of roads in such densely populated areas as passenger stations, public transport hubs, business areas, schools, kindergartens, medical institutions, public service institutions and otherwise to facilitate load and unload of passengers of motor vehicles.

Temporary road parking spots may be established near the public lavatories.

The traffic management department under the public security organ may, due to such special needs as holding of large mass activities, establish temporary road parking areas and specify the parking period thereof.


Article 17 Where any residential community, business area or tourist attraction has urgent parking demands and the surrounding roads can be used as periodical parking areas in holidays or at night, the traffic management department under the public security organ may, in collaboration with the urban management department, establish the periodical road parking spots.

The periodical road parking spots shall establish traffic signs and marking to specify the period, area and other contents of parking.


Article 18 The district (county-level city) people’s government shall organize relevant departments, the town people’s governments, and sub-district offices to, in accordance with the parking demands of non-motor vehicles, establish parking spots for non-motor vehicles in a reasonable manner without affecting the road passage and for convenience of management.

The district (county-level city) people’s government shall delimit the parking spots for shared bikes separately.


Article 19 The social capitals shall be encouraged to invest in construction of parking lots.


Chapter III Use and Management of Parking Facilities

Article 20 The traffic management department under the public security organ shall establish a unified and comprehensive parking service platform to provide real-time parking guidance service for the social public.

The public parking lots and parking spots in the operational roads shall be equipped with the parking management information system and open data ports to the comprehensive parking service platform.

The special-purpose parking lots open to the public shall be encouraged to open data ports to the comprehensive parking service platform.


Article 21 The operator or manager of any public parking lot or parking spot in the operation roads shall, upon such parking lot or parking spot has been put into service for one month, go to the traffic management department under the public security organ for recordation.

The following materials shall be provided in the recordation of public parking lots:

(i) basic information of operator or manager: name or title, ID number or Social Organization Code, contact information;

(ii) basic information of parking lot: location, area, type of parking spot, number of parking spot;

(iii) the floor plan and color paper photograph of the parking lot;

(iv) management systems for vehicle parking and services, security assurance measures, facility maintenance responsibilities and contingency plans for emergency treatment.

The following materials shall be provided in the recordation of parking spot in operational roads:

(i) basic information of operator or manager: name of enterprise, Social Organization Code, contact information;

(ii) basic information of parking spot: location, type of parking spot, number of parking spot;

(iii) the floor plan and color paper photograph of the parking spot;

(iv) evidentiary materials for operation right.

Where any item in the recordation changes, the operator or manager shall, within 10 working days as of the date of change, file for change of recordation with the original recordation organ. Where the operator or manager of the parking lot or parking spots in the operational roads changes, the change agreement duly signed by both parties or other valid certificates shall be provided.

Where the recordation materials are insufficient or fail to comply with the statutory forms, the recordation organ shall inform the applicant of all relevant materials to be supplemented in a one-time manner. Where the applicant fails to make supplementation as required, no recordation may be granted


Article 22 The operator or manager of parking lot shall bear the main responsibilities for the management of parking lots.

The planned parking lot shall not be out of service or be used for other purposes arbitrarily.


Article 23 The operator or manager of public parking lot and road parking spots shall comply with the following provisions:

(i) specifying the name of parking lot, type of parking, number of parking spots, service number, supervision number and otherwise at the conspicuous location;

(ii) following the principle of first come, first served and no refusal to provide vehicle parking services without justified reasons is allowed;

(iii) no sale of public parking spot or rent of public parking spot in the form of reserved parking spot is allowed;

(iv) keeping the environment within the parking lot clean and tidy, the signs and marking lines clear and complete, the facilities and equipment perfect and intact; and road surface level and smooth;

(v) checking the vehicles parked in the parking lot regularly and timely reporting to the public security organ when finding any suspicious vehicle;

(vi) other issues provided by the laws and regulations.

The operational parking lots and parking spots in operational road shall, in addition to compliance with the preceding paragraph, also specify the charging standards and basis at the conspicuous location.

The traffic management department under the public security organ shall regularly carry out supervision and inspection on the management systems of parking lots and the operation status of facilities and equipment therein, urge and promote the operator or manager of parking lot to rectify acts in violation of the preceding two paragraphs.


Article 24 The government-invested operational public parking lots within 300 meters from the entrances and exits of schools and kindergartens shall determine reasonable parking period in accordance with the school hours and be open to the vehicles picking up students and preschoolers free of charge.


Article 25 It is encouraged to open the special-purpose parking lots to the public.

Unless it is otherwise provided by the laws and regulations or it is not appropriate to open to the public due to confidentiality needs, the special-purpose parking lots of government departments and public institutions shall be open to the public in the non-working time and the specific measures thereof shall be formulated by the municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments.


Article 26 No unit or individual may arbitrarily set up any fixed or movable barrier in any public area to impede the parking or passage of any motor vehicle; or establish any ground pile, parking lock or other barrier in any parking spot without obtainment of ownership or exclusive use right; or occupy any public parking lot or road parking spot to carry out any operational activity.


Article 27 The parking fees for government-invested public parking lots and road parking spots shall be reasonably determined in accordance with the principles of higher fees for overground spot than underground spot in the same parking area, higher fees for day than night, higher fees for road parking spots than parking lot, and higher fees for areas with tight parking spots than areas with sufficient parking spots and a dynamic fee adjustment mechanism shall be established to give a full play to price adjustment function of government guidance price in addressing the urban parking difficulties.


Chapter IV Vehicle Parking Specification

Article 28 The motor vehicle drivers shall comply with the following provisions when parking vehicle in the public parking lots:

(i) complying with the management system and follow the direction of the management personnel;

(ii) parking the vehicle in an orderly manner in accordance with the signs of parking spot and no occupation of any public passageway is allowed;

(iii) the motor vehicle driven by a nondisabled persons shall not occupy the barrier-free parking spot;

(iv) no occupation of charging parking spot is allowed if the vehicle is not under the charging state;

(vi) other issues provided by law and regulations.


Article 29 The motor vehicle drivers shall comply with the following provisions when parking vehicles ion the road parking spots:

(i) parking vehicles in the permitted period;

(ii) parking vehicles by direction indicated by the signs or forwardly and no parking on the line or across the line is allowed;

(iii) paying fees for occupying the road parking spot in accordance with relevant standards;

(iv) driving away the motor vehicle immediately as required when traffic control measures are adopted due to the severe influences of natural disasters, bad weather or major traffic accidents on traffic safety;

(v) other issues provided by law and regulations.


Article 30 It is prohibited to park any vehicle on the urban roads, unless on the road parking spots delimited in accordance with Article 14 and Article 17 of these Regulations.

The length and width of motor vehicles parked on the road parking spots shall be proportionate to the length and width of the parking spots so delimited and shall not impede the passage of other vehicles and passengers.

The vehicles picking up and dropping off passengers in the temporary parking areas specified in Paragraph 1 of Article 16 of these Regulations shall leave immediately after picking up or dropping off the passengers.


Article 31 No unit or individual may park any motor vehicle reaching the national mandatory scrapping standards or in idle on any urban road, square, public parking lot, nonexclusive spot of residential community and otherwise.


Article 32 The vehicle parking in residential communities shall comply with relevant laws, regulations and management conventions and follow the property service enterprise’s rules for parking order.

It is prohibited to occupy any fire fighting access.

It is prohibited to occupy any exclusive parking spot owned by other owner.  


Article 33 The non-motor vehicles shall be parked on the parking areas delimited for non-motor vehicles; vehicles shall be parked in an orderly manner and shall not influence road passage and city appearance and environment order. The two-wheeled motorcycles may be parked on the non-motor vehicle parking spots.

It is prohibited to park any non-motor vehicle on any of the following area:

(i) motor vehicle lanes;

(ii) prohibited parking areas, fire lanes and blind tracks within the sidewalk;

(iii) road intersections, railway crossings, entrances and exits of densely populated sites and other areas;

(iv) other prohibited parking areas provided by laws and regulations.

The operator of shared bikes shall establish fixed parking facilities in the parking areas delimited by the local district (county-level city) people’s governments for shared bikes or adopt such technologies as electronic fence to regulate the parking acts of users, carry out prompt management of illegally parked bikes and recycle the malfunctioned and damaged bikes in a timely manner.


Article 34 The units along the street shall enhance self-management and park the non-motor vehicles of the unit in a standardized and orderly manner.

Where anyone arbitrarily parks non-motor vehicle within the city appearance and sanitation responsibility scope of any unit along the street, the unit along the street concerned may dissuade such act and guide the person to park on the non-motor vehicle parking spot; where the person refuses to make rectification, report to the district (county-level city) urban management department, which shall make timely disposal in accordance with laws.


Chapter V Legal Liabilities

Article 35 Where any law or regulation has already provided for the legal liabilities of any violation of these Regulations, such law or regulation shall prevail.


Article 36 Where any staff of the parking management and service department carries out neglect of duty, abuse of power, play of favoritism or commission of irregularities, relevant personnel responsible shall be given sanctions in accordance with laws; where any crime is constituted, criminal liabilities shall be investigated in accordance with laws.


Article 37 Any public parking lot or parking spot in the operational road, in violation of Paragraph 2 of Article 20 of these Regulations, not equipping with parking management information system or failing to open data ports to the comprehensive parking service platform shall be ordered by the traffic management department under the public security organ to make rectification; failing which a fine of no less than RMB 10,000 and no more than RMB 20,000 shall be imposed.


Article 38 Any public parking lot or parking spot in the operational road, in violation of Article 21 of these Regulations, failing to file for recordation or change of recordation shall be ordered by the traffic management department under the public security organ to make rectification; failing which a fine of no less than RMB 2,000 and no more than RMB 5,000 shall be imposed.


Article 39 Any unit or individual, in violation of Item (iii) of Paragraph 1 of Article 23 of these Regulations, selling any public parking spot or renting it in the form of reserved parking spot shall be ordered by the traffic management department under the public security organ to make rectification; failing which a fine of RMB 10,000 shall be imposed and illegal gains thereof shall be confiscated.

Any unit or individual, in violation of Item (iv) of Paragraph 1 of Article 23 of these Regulations, failing to keep the environment within the parking lot clean and tidy, the signs and marking lines clear and complete, the facilities and equipment perfect and intact; and road surface level and smooth shall be ordered by the traffic management department under the public security organ to make rectification; failing which a fine of no less than RMB 10,000 and no more than RMB 100,000 shall be imposed.


Article 40 Any unit or individual, in violation of Article 26 of these Regulations, arbitrarily setting up any fixed or movable barrier in any public area to impede the parking or passage of motor vehicle or establishing any ground pile, parking lock or other barrier in any parking spot without obtainment of ownership or exclusive use right shall be ordered by the traffic management department under the public security organ or the urban management department in accordance with their respective functions and duties to make rectification; failing which a fine of RMB 500 shall be imposed.

Where the public area specified in the preceding paragraph is jointly owned by all owners of the residential community, the land user, manager or owners of the residential community, the owners’ committee, and the property service enterprise of the public area shall carry out dissuasion thereto. Where the unit or individual refuses to make rectification upon dissuasion, the land user, manager or owners of the residential community, the owners’ committee, and the property service enterprise of the public area may report to the urban management department, which shall deal with such unit or individual in accordance with relevant provisions of the Regulations of Shandong Province on Property Management.

Anyone, in violation of Article 26 of these Regulations, occupying public parking lot or road parking spot to carry out operational activity shall be ordered by the traffic management department under the public security organ to make rectification; failing which a fine of no less than RMB 1,000 and no more than RMB 5,000 shall be imposed on a natural person; and a fine of no less than RMB 5,000 and no more than RMB 20,000 shall be imposed on a legal person.


Article 41 Any motor vehicle driver, in violation of Paragraph 1 of Article 29 of these Regulations, parking vehicle on the road parking spot exceeding the permitted period shall be given a warning and be ordered by the traffic management department under the public security organ to drive away immediately; where the driver refuses to drive away immediately, a fine of no less than RMB 20 and no more than RMB 200 shall be imposed and the motor vehicle concerned may be towed to a location that would not affect the traffic or the location designated by the traffic management department under the public security organ for parking with a notice of the parking location being timely given to the owner thereof.


Article 42 Any owner of motor vehicle, in violation of Article 31 of these Regulations, parking any motor vehicle reaching the national mandatory scrapping standards on any urban road, square, public parking lot and otherwise shall be ordered by the traffic management department under the public security organ or the urban management department in accordance with their respective functions and duties to move away such vehicle within a specified time limit; where the owner fails to move away such vehicle or the owner cannot be reached, the vehicle may be towed to a location that would not affect the traffic or the location designated by the traffic management department under the public security organ for parking with a notice of the parking location being timely given to the owner thereof or with a public announcement being released in accordance with laws.

Where any owner of motor vehicle parks any motor vehicle reaching the national mandatory scrapping standards on the nonexclusive spot of residential community and otherwise, the owners, the owners’ committee, and the property service enterprise of the residential community concerned may require the owner to move away. Where the owner fails to move away such vehicle or the owner cannot be reached, the owners, the owners’ committee, and the property service enterprise of the residential community concerned may report to the urban management department, which shall deal with such unit or individual in accordance with relevant provisions of the Regulations of Shandong Province on Property Management.


Article 43 Any shared bike operator, in violation of Paragraph 3 of Article 33 of these Regulations, failing to move the illegally parked bikes to the parking areas delimited by the local district (county-level city) people’s governments and recycle the malfunctioned and damaged bikes in a timely manner shall be given a warning and be ordered by the traffic management department under the public security organ or the urban management department in accordance with their respective functions and duties to make rectification; failing which a fine of RMB 100 per illegally parked bike shall be imposed.


Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 44 For the purposes of these Regulations, the following words and expressions shall have the following meaning:

(i) “parking management and service” shall refer to the management and service activities concerning the planning, construction and use of parking facilities and vehicle parking.

(ii) “parking facilities” shall refer to the public parking lots, special-purpose parking lots, road parking spots and non-motor vehicle parking spots.

(iii) “public parking lots” refer to the sites established outside the urban roads and provided parking services to the social public, including the independently constructed parking lots and parking lots established to be the supportive public service facilities of certain construction project.

(iv) “special-purpose parking lots” shall refer to the sites established outside the urban road and provided parking services to vehicles of the unit or residential community concerned, including the parking lots established as supportive facilities of certain construction project, the parking spots delimited within the jointly owned area and otherwise.

(v) “road parking spots” shall refer to the areas delimited on urban road for temporary parking of motor vehicles.

(vi) “non-motor vehicle parking spots” shall refer to the areas delimited on urban roads or other sites for parking of non-motor vehicles or two-wheeled motorcycles.


Article 45 These Regulations shall come into force as of January 1, 2022.










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