
发布日期:2021-08-04 09:00访问次数: 信息来源:威海市人大字号:[ ]













(2021年6月29日威海市第十七届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十四次会议通过  2021年7月29日山东省第十三届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议批准)



第一章  总则

第二章  公共服务国际化

第三章  人文环境国际化

第四章  产业经济国际化

第五章  保障措施

第六章   附则




第一条 为了促进城市国际化,增强城市整体实力和国际竞争力,建设精致、幸福、现代化的国际城市,根据有关法律、法规,结合本市实际,制定本条例。

第二条 市行政区域内的城市国际化促进工作,适用本条例。


  第三条 本市城市国际化的战略目标是通过建设开放之城、海洋之城、创新之城、生态之城、宜居之城,打造具有国际要素集聚能力、全球目光吸引能力、国家对外战略承接能力、创新驱动发展能力,具备专精特色的蓝色活力之都。

第四条 城市国际化促进工作,应当坚持改革创新、扩大开放,遵循规律、彰显特色,政府推进、全民参与的原则。


第五条 市人民政府统筹领导全市城市国际化促进工作。城市国际化战略推进委员会负责领导、协调城市国际化战略促进工作。市商务主管部门承担城市国际化战略推进委员会的日常工作。



第六条 每年六月第三个周为“威海国际周”。



第二章 公共服务国际化


第七条 市、区(县级市)人民政府应当完善涉外公共服务工作机制,建立健全涉外公共服务平台,提供涉外信息咨询、政策引导、风险防范和外事礼仪等方面的指导和服务。涉外公共服务网上平台应当同时提供外文服务信息。


第八条 市人民政府应当组织设立全市统一的涉外服务热线,为外籍人员的咨询和求助提供即时多语种服务。


第九条 本市制定的地方性法规、政府规章应当提供外文译本。


第十条 加强涉外律师、公证、司法鉴定、仲裁、调解等法律服务体系建设,建立多元化涉外纠纷解决机制,提升涉外法律服务能力。

第十一条 鼓励本市公立医院加强国际化医疗环境建设,健全医疗急救体系,探索开设国际门诊、国际病房,提高涉外医疗服务能力。

第十二条  市、区(县级市)教育主管部门应当组织规划建设具有招收和培养国际学生能力的中小学校,配备与之相适应的师资力量。


第十三条 提供涉外公共服务的部门、单位应当加强工作人员的外语和外事礼仪培训。外语和外事礼仪培训纳入公职人员能力提升的培训内容。

第十四条 市、区(县级市)人民政府应当规划建设或者改造一批国际街区和社区,完善教育、文化、医疗、休闲等配套设施,提供符合国际标准的原生态生活服务环境。

第十五条 市、区(县级市)消费者权益保障部门应当探索与国外消费维权机构建立消费纠纷合作处理机制,健全涉外消费维权制度,及时处理涉外消费维权的投诉举报。

第十六条 外籍人员在本市行政区域内合法权益受到侵害,因生活困难或者其他原因无法通过正常渠道维护其合法权益的,有关部门可以给予必要的法律帮助。


第三章 人文环境国际化


第十七条 市、区(县级市)人民政府应当加强与国内外主流媒体的交流合作,多渠道开展城市形象宣传,全方位推介独具特色的威海元素和威海资源,提升本市的国际知名度和影响力。

第十八条 市、区(县级市)人民政府应当加强国际友好城市和国际友好合作关系城市建设,制定国际友好城市和国际友好合作关系城市拓展工作提升计划,深化友好关系,增进交流合作。

第十九条 健全威海市会议大使制度。市会展行业主管部门应当邀请国内外相关领域的学术精英和行业领军人物担任会议大使,负责引进国际性会议项目。

第二十条 积极参加国际组织发起的儿童友好型城市、老年友好型城市等创建活动。

第二十一条 鼓励开展外语教学和外语志愿服务,提高市民对外交流能力。

第二十二条 本市中小学校应当加强学生的涉外社交礼仪、国外风俗习惯教育,鼓励开展第二外语教育。



第二十三条 支持驻威高等院校、科研院所开展国际间合作办学、学术交流和科研协作,丰富对外交流内涵。

第二十四条 市、区(县级市)文化和旅游主管部门应当以建设国际滨海休闲度假旅游目的地城市为目标,打造具有地方特色的旅游品牌,建设与国际接轨的旅游服务体系和旅游环境,满足游客的旅游需求。

第二十五条 鼓励举办涉外文化交流活动,全方位、多角度地展示本市优秀传统文化,增进友谊,促进合作。

第二十六条 市、区(县级市)人民政府应当培育特色海洋文化节庆活动,建设开放、共享的国际海上体育竞技、休闲娱乐环境。


第二十七条 市、区(县级市)人民政府应当采取政策引导、优化环境、提供服务等措施,培育壮大本市国际精品体育赛事品牌,推动休闲体育运动发展,建设国际休闲运动城市。

第二十八条 鼓励本市医疗机构与国外医学院校、医疗机构和医学研究机构开展技术合作,引进高水平国际医疗机构。

第二十九条 建立健全人才国际合作交流机制和国际化人才引进制度,加快专业化海外人才引进平台建设。对引进的国际化人才,在居住、工作、医疗、子女教育等方面提供便利。



第四章 产业经济国际化


第三十条 市、区(县级市)人民政府制定产业发展规划和政策,应当结合区位、经济、文化等特色优势,立足日韩、面向全球,深度融入“一带一路”建设,全方位对接国家开放发展战略,拓展开放发展空间,实现产业国际化融合。

第三十一条 借力区域全面经济伙伴关系协定、中韩自贸协定等多边双边经贸关系协定,深度开拓国际贸易市场,完善具有双向开放特征的国际经济和产业体系,构建联结国际国内双循环的区域性国际贸易中心。

第三十二条 市、区(县级市)人民政府应当积极引进国际领先技术、企业,吸引国际高端人才、资本等优势资源,培育壮大新一代信息技术、新医药与医疗器械、先进装备与智能制造、碳纤维等新材料、海洋生物与健康食品、时尚与休闲运动、康养旅游等本市发展重点产业和数字经济、人工智能、生物工程等前沿产业。

第三十三条 以打造创新型国际海洋强市为目标,以建设全域国际海洋科技城为载体,建立国际化海洋科技创新体系和现代海洋经济体系。

第三十四条 对标国际生态与经济可持续良性互动城市,建设国际水准的生态治理运行体系,全面提升低碳经济发展水平,打造蓝碳产业发展领先城市。

第三十五条 市、区(县级市)人民政府应当鼓励和支持开发区、综合保税区和各类产业园区改革创新对外开放工作机制,按照国际经贸运行规则,培育壮大核心产业,发挥园区在城市国际化中的带头作用。

第三十六条 市、区(县级市)人民政府应当加强交通基础设施建设,构建满足国际交流需求的交通系统。

第三十七条 加强与国外通航口岸的联系,创新合作机制,优化口岸服务环境,为货物通关、人员往来等提供便利化服务。


第三十八条 鼓励和支持本市企业开展境外投资合作,设立境外生产加工基地,参与境外工程项目建设。

第三十九条 鼓励和支持本市企业增强创新能力,提高质量管理水平,提升产品质量,参与国际标准制定,争取国际标准制定权。

第四十条 鼓励国际涉海保险机构在本市依法设立分支机构。有关部门应当制定政策措施,支持国际涉海保险业务的发展,推动本地保险经办机构与国际涉海保险机构的交流与合作。

第四十一条 市、区(县级市)人民政府应当完善国际化消费环境,建设特色街区和特色商品展销中心,推进国际化商圈和进口商品展示交易中心建设。


第四十二条 市、区(县级市)人民政府应当制定扶持会展产业发展的政策措施,引进和培育专业国际展览会,打造具有国际影响力的特色会展品牌。


第四十三条 市、区(县级市)人民政府应当坚持市场化、法治化、国际化原则,健全制度,细化措施,进一步优化营商环境,建设国际化营商环境先进城市。


第五章 保障措施


第四十四条 健全威海市市长国际经济咨询委员会制度,为城市国际化建设提供高端智力支持。

第四十五条 城市国际化促进工作应当纳入国民经济和社会发展规划以及年度计划,并且与精致城市建设规划等各类规划相衔接、相协调。

第四十六条 建立城市国际化战略指标体系。城市国际化战略的相关指标,应当对标国际标准,符合威海实际,维护国家安全。


第四十七条 市人民政府应当建立城市国际化考核评价制度,加强对城市国际化工作的考核和督导。

第四十八条 市、区(县级市)人民政府应当加强城市国际化相关知识、规则的宣传教育,培育市民的国际意识,激发市民参与城市国际化促进工作的积极性。


第四十九条 对城市国际化促进工作有突出贡献的单位和个人,市人民政府按照有关规定给予表彰、奖励。

第五十条 建立国际友人奖励制度。对本市经济社会发展和国际交流作出突出贡献的外籍人员,市人民政府可以授予“威海市荣誉市民”称号或者授予“威海友谊奖”。

第五十一条 国家机关及其工作人员在国际化促进工作中玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。




第五十二条 本条例自公布之日起施行。


Announcement of Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Weihai Municipality

No. 97



 (The Regulations of Weihai Municipality on Promotion of City Internationalization, as adopted at the 34th session of the Standing Committee of the 17th People’s Congress of Weihai Municipality on June 29, 2021 and approved at the 29th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th People’s Congress of Shandong Province on July 29, 2021, is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.)


Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Weihai Municipality

August 3, 2021








Regulations of Weihai Municipality on Promotion of City Internationalization

(Adopted at the 34th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 17th People’s Congress of Weihai Municipality on June 29, 2021 and approved at the 29th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th People’s Congress of Shandong Province on July 29, 2021)



Chapter I General Provisions

Chapter II Internationalization of Public Services

Chapter III Internationalization of Humanistic Environment

Chapter IV Internationalization of Industrial Economy

Chapter V Safeguard Measures

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 These Regulations are enacted in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and in light of actual situations of this Municipality, for the purposes of promoting city internationalization, enhancing the comprehensive strength and international competitiveness of the city, and constructing a delicate, happy, modernized, and international city.  


Article 2 These Regulations shall be applicable to the promotion of city internationalization within the administrative area of this Municipality.

Where any other law or regulation provides otherwise for the promotion of city internationalization, such law or regulation shall prevail.


Article 3 The strategic city internationalization goal of this Municipality is to build a vigorous and characteristic coastal city with capabilities of integrating international factors, attracting world’s attention, implementing national foreign strategies, and carrying out innovation-driven development by enhancing the openness, features of coastal city, innovation, ecological balance, and habitability thereof.


Article 4 The promotion of city internationalization shall comply with the principles of reform and innovation, expansion of opening-up, compliance with rules, highlight of features, promotion by government, and participation of the public.

The promotion of city internationalization shall comply with law and regulations and follow the international rules and norms.


Article 5 The municipal people’s government shall play a leading role in the promotion of city internationalization in this Municipality. The city internationalization strategy promotion committee shall lead and coordinate the promotion of city internationalization strategies. The municipal commercial department shall undertake the routine work of the city internationalization strategy promotion committee.

Relevant departments of the municipal government shall, in accordance with their respective functions and duties, jointly implement the promotion of city internationalization.

The district (county-level city) people’s governments shall, in light of actual situations of work, identify corresponding working agencies to be responsible for the promotion of city internationalization within their respective administrative area.


Article 6 The third week of June of each year shall be the “Weihai International Week”.

The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments and relevant departments thereof shall concentratedly organize and carry out promotion of city internalization, international economic, trade, science and technology, cultural exchange activities, and other activities during this week.


Chapter II Internationalization of Public Services

Article 7 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall complete the working mechanism of foreign-related public services, establish the foreign-related public service platform, provide guidance and services relating to foreign-related information counseling, policy guidance, risk prevention, foreign protocol, and otherwise. The online foreign-related public service platform shall also provide service information in foreign languages.

The municipal and district (county-level city) public service integrated offices shall be equipped with staffs capable of communicating in foreign language.


Article 8 The municipal people’s government shall organize and establish the unified foreign-related service hotline to provide instant multilingual counseling services and assistance for foreigners.

Transportation hubs such as airports, stations, passenger terminals, and otherwise shall provide multilingual service guidelines relating to transportation, tourism, medical care, and otherwise at the conspicuous location where the passengers arrive.


Article 9 The local regulations and government rules formulated by this Municipality shall provide versions in foreign languages.

The publicly released normative documents involving foreign investment or influencing rights and benefits of foreigners shall be released together with the versions in foreign languages.


Article 10 The construction of legal service systems relating to legal services on foreign-related business, notarization, forensic authentication, arbitration, mediation, and otherwise shall be strengthened to establish diversified foreign-related dispute settlement mechanism and improve foreign-related legal service capacity.


Article 11 Public hospitals of this Municipality shall be encouraged to strengthen the construction of international medical environment, complete the medical first aid system, explore the establishment of international outpatient service and international ward, and improve foreign-related medical service capacity.


Article 12 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall organize, plan and construct the primary and middle schools capable of recruiting and cultivating international students and equip with corresponding faculty.

Where the children of foreigners residing in this Municipality need to go to public primary and middle schools of this Municipality, the municipal and district (county-level city) education departments shall, in accordance with the principle of nearby enrollment, go through relevant formalities with the charge standards being determined by the municipal people’s government in accordance with relevant national policies.


Article 13 The departments and units providing foreign-related public services shall strengthen the training of foreign language and foreign protocol for the staffs. The training of foreign language and foreign protocol shall be integrated in the ability enhancement training of public officials.


Article 14 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall plan the construction or renovation of a batch of international blocks and communities, complete relevant supporting facilities of education, culture, medical care, recreation, and otherwise, and create ecological life service environment meeting the international standards.


Article 15 The municipal and district (county-level city) customer rights protection departments shall explore the establishment of cooperative consumption dispute settlement mechanism with the foreign consumption rights protection institutions, complete the foreign-related consumption rights protection system, and dealt with complaints and reports of foreign-related consumption rights protection in a timely manner.


Article 16 Where the legitimate rights of any foreigner are infringed within the administrative area of this Municipality and such foreigner is unable to protect his or her legitimate rights through regular channel due to economic difficulties or other reasons, relevant departments may render necessary legal assistance.


Chapter III Internalization of Humanistic Environment

Article 17 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall enhance communication and cooperation with major media at home and aboard, carry out promotion of city image by different channels, introduce factors and resources with Weihai characteristics comprehensively, and increase the international popularity and influence of this Municipality.


Article 18 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall enhance the construction of international friendly city and international cooperative city, formulate the promotion plan for development of international friendly city and international cooperative city, deepen the friendly relationships, and enhance communication and cooperation.


Article 19 The conference ambassador system of Weihai Municipality shall be established. The municipal exhibition industry department shall invite domestic and foreign academic elites and industry leaders in relevant fields to be the conference ambassador and take charge in introducing international conference projects.


Article 20 The Municipality shall actively participate in the establishment of child-friendly and age-friendly cities initiated by the international organizations.


Article 21 It is encouraged to carry out teaching activities and voluntary services of foreign language to improve the communication abilities of citizens.


Article 22 The primary and middle schools of this Municipality shall enhance the education concerning foreign social etiquette and customs for the students and be encouraged to carry out education of second foreign language.

The municipal and district (county-level city) education departments shall encourage the primary and middle schools to carry out international education exchanges.

Social forces shall be encouraged to establish international schools.


Article 23 Colleges and universities and scientific research institutions in Weihai shall be supported to carry out international cooperation in running schools, academic exchange and scientific research to enrich the connotation of foreign exchange.


Article 24 The municipal and district (county-level city) cultural and tourism departments shall focus on establishment of international coastal recreational tourism city, build tourism brands with local features, establish internationally compatible tourism service system and environment, and meet the tourism demands of the visitors.


Article 25 Foreign-related cultural exchange shall be encouraged to comprehensively present the excellent traditional culture of this Municipality from different angles, promote friendship and enhance cooperation.


Article 26 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall develop special marine cultural festivals and construct an open and shared international environment for sea sports and entertainment.

The municipal and county-level city people’s governments shall plan for free public sea area for training and competition of sea sports, sailing and parking of sailboats and yachts, and recreational fishing on the sea.


Article 27 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall take such measures as policy guidance, environment optimization, and service provision to cultivate international leading sporting events brand, promote the development of leisure sports, and construct an international leisure sports city.


Article 28 The medical institutions of this Municipality shall be encouraged to carry out technical cooperation with foreign medical schools, institutions and research institutions to introduce high-level international medical institutions.


Article 29 The international cooperation and exchange mechanism and international talents introduction system shall be established and completed and the construction of professional foreign talent introduction platform shall be quickened. Support in aspects like residence, work, medical care, child education shall be offered to the international talents so introduced.

Enterprises shall be encouraged to utilize such international innovation resources as foreign talents to establish offshore innovation and start-up bases like the research and development centers, united laboratories, transitional research and development institutions.


Chapter IV Internalization of Industrial Economy

Article 30 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall formulate industrial development planning and policies, take into account the special advantages in location, economy, culture and otherwise, base on Korea and Japan and target at the world, comprehensively combine the industrial development with the construction of “Belt and Road Initiative”, fully cooperate with the national open development strategy, expand the space of open development and realize the international industry integration.


Article 31 The Municipality shall take advantage of such multilateral and bilateral economic and trade relations agreements as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and the China and South Korea Free Trade Agreement, explore international trade market, complete international economic and industrial systems with two-way openness, and construct regional international trade centers connecting both the international and domestic circulation.


Article 32 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall actively introduce the international advanced technologies and enterprises, attract such superior resources as the international high-end talents and capitals, and cultivate the key industries of this Municipality including new-generation information technologies, new medicines, medical equipment, advanced devices, intelligent manufacturing technology, carbon fiber and other new materials, marine organism, healthy food, fashion, recreational sports, rehabilitation, and tourism and the cutting-edge industries including digital economy, artificial intelligence, and bioengineering.


Article 33 The Municipality shall aim at building a strong innovation-based international coastal city and carry out construction of international marine science and technology innovation system and modern marine economic system on basis of constructing a regional international marine science and technology city.


Article 34 The Municipality shall follow the example of international cities with great sustainability and interaction between ecology and economy, establish ecological governance and operation system meeting international standards, comprehensively improve the level of low carbon economy development, and build a city playing a leading role in the development of marine carbon industry.


Article 35 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall encourage and support the development zone, comprehensive bonded zone, and various kinds of industrial parks to reform and innovate the opening-up working mechanisms, cultivate and grow core industries in accordance with international trade rules, and play a leading role in the city internationalization.


Article 36 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall strengthen the construction of transportation infrastructures and construct a transportation system meeting the demands of international communication.


Article 37 The Municipality shall enhance the connection with foreign ports, innovate the cooperation mechanism, optimize port service environment, and provide convenient services for customs clearance of goods, personnel exchange and otherwise.

The interaction and joint development with relevant international cities in the field of infrastructures shall be actively promoted.


Article 38 Enterprises of this Municipality shall be encouraged and supported to carry out outbound investment cooperation, establish foreign production and manufacturing base, and participate in construction of foreign engineering projects.


Article 39 Enterprises of this Municipality shall be encouraged and supported to enhance the innovation capacity, raise the level of high-quality management, improve product quality, participate in the formulation of international standards, and fight for the right to formulate international standards.


Article 40 The international marine-related insurance institutions shall be encouraged to establish branches in this Municipality in accordance with laws. Relevant department shall formulate policy measures to support the development of international marine-related insurance business and promote the communication and cooperation between the local insurance agencies with the international marine-related insurance institutions.


Article 41 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall complete the international consumption environment, establish characteristic blocks and specialty goods exhibition centers, and promote the construction of international business areas and import commodity trading and exhibition centers.

The Municipality shall give full play to the national comprehensive cross-border e-commerce pilot zone, innovate the operating system and mechanism, cultivate integrated industrial chain, and build a key cross-border e-commerce city targeting Japan and Korea and radiating the whole Northeast Asia.


Article 42 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall formulate relevant policy measures supporting the development of exhibition industry, introduce and cultivate professional international exhibitions, and build up special exhibition brands with international influence.

The exhibition enterprises, colleges and universities, scientific research institutions and brand exhibition projects shall be encouraged to join the internationally famous exhibition organizations, bring in international exhibitions, and improve the international influence of local exhibitions. The municipal and district (county-level city) departments of exhibition industry shall render support to the enterprises and other organizations joining the internationally famous exhibition organizations.


Article 43 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall follow the principles of marketization, legalization and internationalization, complete relevant systems, refine relevant measures, further optimize the business environment, and construction an advanced city with great international busines environment.


Chapter V Safeguard Measures

Article 44 The mayor-chaired international economic consultation committee system of Weihai Municipality shall be completed to provide high-end intellectual support for city internalization construction.


Article 45 The promotion of city internationalization shall be integrated in the national economic and social development planning and annual plan and be connected to and coordinated with the delicate city construction planning and other planning of all sorts.


Article 46 The strategic city internationalization index system shall be established. Relevant indexes of city internationalization shall be determined in accordance with the international standards and in light of actual situations of this Municipality and shall protect the national security.

The expert review shall be organized for the strategic city internalization index system, which shall be promulgated for implementation upon being approved by the municipal people’s governments.


Article 47 The municipal people’s government shall establish the city internationalization examination and evaluation system to enhance examination and supervision on city internationalization.


Article 48 The municipal and district (county-level city) people’s governments shall enhance promotion and education of relevant knowledge and rules concerning city internationalization, cultivate citizens’ international consciousness, and motivate citizens to actively participate in the promotion of city internationalization.


Article 49 Units and individuals making outstanding contribution to the promotion of city internationalization shall be recognized and rewarded by the municipal people’s government in accordance with relevant regulations.


Article 50 The international friend reward system shall be established. Foreigners making outstanding contribution to the economic and social development and international communication of this Municipality may be awarded the “Honorary Citizen of Weihai Municipality” or the “Weihai Friendship Prize” by the municipal people’s government.


Article 51 Where any state organ or staff thereof carries out neglect of duty, abuse of power, play of favoritism and commission of irregularities, the executive and other personnel directly responsible shall be given sanctions in accordance with laws.


Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 52 These Regulations shall come into force as of the promulgation date. 

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